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Treatments We Offer

Dental examination

Dental Examination 

Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining good oral health. At A.S. Dentistry, we provide comprehensive dental check-ups that include oral examination, intra-oral camera, and X-rays.

Our goal is to detect any problems early on and prevent them from worsening.

Jaw surgery

Oral and Maxillofaical surgery

Facial injuries like cut, facial bone fractures, dental injuries (broken tooth, mobile tooth) may occur due to road traffic accident, sports injury etc.

Our team of Oral and maxillofacial surgeons will restore your facial form and oral function.

We also perform Corrective jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery),  Jaw cyst removal, and treat temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ disorders ).

Jaw Surgery

Wisdom tooth removal 

Wisdom tooth removal is a common dental procedure that can help alleviate the pain and discomfort of impacted wisdom teeth. This procedure is used to treat dental problems such as overcrowding, infection, or gum disease.

Our experienced dentists will provide a comprehensive evaluation to determine the best course of action to remove your wisdom teeth and provide lasting relief.

Canine impaction

Impacted canine removal

Canine tooth can also become trapped beneath or behind your gums.

With our team effort involving orthodontist, we can guide your canine into normal position or extracting it.


Orthodontics- Tooth alignment 

Orthodontics is a dental specialty focused on aligning your bite and straightening your teeth.

With our Orthodontic Checkup, we aim to make sure your tooth are alingned properly and your smile stays bright. 

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment 

The root canal procedure is performed to save a damaged or badly infected tooth, instead of extracting it.

Added to root canal treatment, if needed we do perform periapical surgery to remove the infection which remains the last option for saving the tooth. 

Dental implant

Dental implants

A simple dental neglect, oral disease or traumatic accidents can lead to tooth loss. With dental implants having abilities similar to a natural tooth remains the best possible treatment for tooth loss.

If you are a suitable candidate, we can restore your smile and oral function with dental implants.

Full arch rehablilitation

Full arch restoration

If you have no teeth left in your upper or lower jaw and require a fixed solution for replacing the missing tooth, Our full arch restoration service offers a fixed solution to restore your smile with dental implants.This service is designed to provide you with a custom-made, durable, and aesthetically pleasing restoration of your entire arch. 

If you are a suitable candidate, we can restore your smile and oral function with dental implants.  


Dentl crown and bridges

Crown and Bridges

Dental crown is placed over fractured tooth or root canal treated tooth, as tooth can’t withstand the normal chewing function on its own. A bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth, when functioning teeth are available on both sides of the missing tooth.

We provide dental crown and bridges made of best quality materials.

Removable denture


Dentures are removable devices used to replace missing teeth.

We provide dentures for those who have lost all the teeth in one or both the jaws or with few teeth remaining in their oral cavity. 

Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your smile.

We provide all types of cosmetic dental procedures to give a positive change to your teeth and smile.

Oral pathology

Oral pathology

At our Dental Clinic, our oral pathology services include biopsy procedures to diagnose and identify any suspicious lesions or tumors.

Our team of highly skilled professionals can accurately perform a biopsy to determine if the lesion is benign or malignant. We will provide you with the best care and support you need throughout the entire process.

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